Applications Support & Maintenance Services
Thermal Analysis, Rheology and more
Contract Testing Services
ASM Services offer a comprehensive materials testing service with a wide range of techniques available. Most measurements are performed by Nick Hawkins who has many years experience with a range of Analytical techniques that include DSC, Modulated Temperature DSC, TGA, DMA, TMA, Rheology, Diffusing Wave Spectroscopy, Microscopy and Mechanical testing.
Our approach to consultancy work/contract measurement and pricing guidelines.
An initial discussion by phone/e mail or in person (strongly recommended) to identify the type of measurements required.
A sample is supplied for a feasibility study and to develop suitable methodology (Free of Charge).
A quotation will then be provided based on instrument time required and number of samples to be measured. Typically it will cost £90 per hour instrument time and there will be a fixed cost to cover instrument calibration, report writing & data analysis which will depend on the number of samples measured (£200-£300).
We can follow Standard Test Methods for material characterisation (DIN, ASTM, ISO).
The techniques we have available, their common application areas and the available specifications are given below:
Diffusing Wave Spectroscopy (DWS)

Measurement confines
Frequency range 10-2Hz - 10+7 Hz
Temperature range: +4C to +100C
Measurement time: 60-90 Seconds
Sample Volume: 400ul - 2ml
What DWS can measure
G', G" Tan Delta of liquids/soft matter
Viscosity/shear flow properties
Time/temperature studies over hours, days, weeks, months..... (Samples prepared in sealed cuvette-ideal for stability monitoring).
Particle sizing (upto 1um diameter)
Ideal for measuring high and low frequency response of liquids and soft matter, tracking hydrogel formation, long term stability, emulsion stability (Ostwald ripening).
Differential Scanning Calorimetry (DSC) & Modulated Temperature DSC

Amorphous PET Heated to show Tg, cold crystallisation and melting
Measurement confines
Temperature range: -90 to +400C
Heating rate: 0.01 - 150C/Minute.
Cooling rate: 0.01 - 70C/Minute.
- Purge gas: Nitrogen/Air/Oxygen/Helium
- Pan type: Crimped or Hermetically sealed Aluminium/Large volume Stainless steel.
What DSC & MT-DSC can measure
Glass transition (Tg), melting, re-crystallisation, cross-linking, thermal & oxidative stability, heat capacity, polymorphism, denaturation, solid-solid transitions, oxidative and thermal stability.
DSC and MT-DSC are used to characterise most material classes including thermoplastics, elastomers, thermosets, biological, cosmetics, pharmaceuticals, inorganics, foodstuffs oils, waxes and fuels.
Thermogravimetric Analysis (TGA)

Thermal decomposition of PTFE at different heating rates
Measurement confines
Temperature range: Ambient to 1'000C
Heating rate: 0.01 - 100C/Minute.
Sample Mass: Up to 1g
Purge gas: Nitrogen/Air/Oxygen/Helium & Reactive.
- Pan type: Platinum, Aluminium & Ceramic
What TGA can measure
Free and bound moisture and solvent content, Thermal and oxidative decomposition temperature, filler content, polymer content, volume fraction, ash content, combustion temperature, OIT, Thermal stability.
TGA is used to characterise most material classes including thermoplastics, elastomers, thermosets, inorganics, composites, foodstuffs, pharmaceuticals, flame retardants & catalysts.
Dynamic Mechanical Analysis (DMA)

PET Film: Frequency dependence of Glass Transition
Measurement confines
Temperature range: -150 to +600C
Heating rate: 0.01 - 20C/Minute.
Purge gas: Nitrogen/Air/Argon
- Frequency range: 0.01 to 200 Hz
- Force range: 0.001 - 18 Newtons
- Displacement range: 25 mm
- Displacement resolution: 1nm
What DMA can measure
Measurements performed using single/dual cantilever, 3 point bend, compression, tension film & fibre, shear sandwich, submersion & powder clamps.
Used to identify viscoelastic properties of most material types (E', E", Tan Delta). Also allows measurement of crosslinking, Tg, creep, stress relaxation, linear viscoelastic region (LVR), TTS to predict long term/high & low rate performance and damping properties.

Frequency Sweep of silicone elastomer using parallel plate measuring system
Measurement confines
Temperature range: -150 to +600C
Heating rate: 0.01 - 20C/Minute.
Frequency range: 0.001 to 100 Hz
- Normal force range: 0 to 50 Newtons
- Geometry sizes: 8, 25, 50 & 75 mm Diameter (Cone & Plate & Parallel Plate).
- Double Concentric Cylinder available for Low viscosity systems (down to 1 mPa.s).
What Rheology can measure
LVR of low viscosity systems to soft matter.
Shear rate dependance of viscosity (Newtonian, shear thinning & thickening).
Frequency dependence of Viscoelastic properties (G', G" & Tan Delta).
Gelation, sol-gel reactions, cross-linking.
Creep and stress/relaxation properties.
Widely used to characterise Flow & viscoelastic properties of liquids and soft matter.
Imaging and Mechanical testing
Environmental SEM

Carl Zeiss Evo LS-15
SE, BSE, VPSE,EPSE imaging
EDX Analysis and mapping
EBSD-Orientation mapping
T range -50 to +1000 C
In-situ mechanical testing
3D Optcal Profilometry

Alicona Infinite Focus 3d
5, 10, 20, 50, 100X Mag
Profile and 3D Form
Profile/Surface Roughness
2D Measurements
Mechanical Testing - Instron MaterialsTester
Bending, Compression & Tensile configurations
Range of Load Cells and fixtures
Temperature control: -100 to +350C
Digital Image Correlation Analysis (DIC) See Below

Working in Partnership with LIMA at the Department of Engineering Science at Oxford University